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SYF League Info


2024 Football Registration opens May 1st! This year we are offering Early Registration at $300 for Tackle athletes and $125 for Flag athletes.  Registration will increase to $325 for Tackle and $150 for Flag on July 1st. Payment Plan options are available. Tackle Registration closes July 15th and Flag Registration closes August 1st. Players must reside within the boundaries of the Oregon Trail School District or attend one of our OTSD schools to register with SYF; if you live outside the boundaries and attend a non-OTSD school, you must apply for a waiver and be approved before registering.

After registration closes, athletes will be put on a waitlist by emailing our Registration Coordinator at  Families will be notified by email if there is enough space on our teams for those athletes on the waitlist, or if our teams are full.  Waitlisted athletes will have a short time to register if space is available.  Late registration (for waitlisted athletes) will incur a $50 late fee.  All players must sell pepperoni sticks unless an opt-out fee is chosen and paid at the time of registration.  


Fundraising is very important to our program. It helps pay for expensive player’s gear, free camps and off-season workouts, etc.  We have several fundraisers: Pepperoni Sticks, Saturday Game Concessions, Sandy Mountain Festival Concessions, and Family Days at local Sandy businesses.  

PEPPERONI - All players are required to sell pepperoni sticks, unless an opt-out fee is chosen and paid at the time of registration.  Players are given 2 bags with 24 sticks each, one pepperoni and one teriyaki.  Sticks are sold for $1.25 each, or $30 per bag.  Players/Families will receive their pepperoni sticks in August, collect money as they sell the sticks, and turn it in by the given due date.  More details to come when the season starts. 

SATURDAY CONCESSIONS - SYF has a Concession Trailer for all of our home Saturday games. The Concession Trailer is run by a pair of volunteer board members. Our SYF players and families LOVE having concessions available for purchase during games, as it just adds to the Sandy Football experience. Parent Volunteers make the concession trailer possible! Every team will have specific days to work a shift or two in the concession trailer. Team Parents will send out sign-up information once the game schedule is finalized. Every family is required to help! If a team fails to send volunteers, or they do not show up, that team may forfeit a game. You must be 11 years or older to be in the concession trailer; younger kids will not be allowed in order for us to follow protocols.

SANDY MOUNTAIN FESTIVAL CONCESSIONS - We have the opportunity to sell concessions at the Sandy Mountain Festival in July to raise money for both SYF and the Sandy High School Football End Zone Club!  Volunteers from both organizations sign-up to work 2-hour shifts in the concessions trailer and at the Elephant Ear Booth. Sign-ups are shared on the Sandy Youth Football Facebook Page and via email.

FAMILY DAYS AT A LOCAL BUSINESS - Throughout the year, SYF will coordinate Family Days with local Sandy Businesses.  Our SYF Families visit the participating business on the assigned Family Day to purchase food, goods, experiences, etc.  In turn, the business donates a portion of the proceeds to Sandy Youth Football.


In addition to getting players to practices and games on time, parents are expected to be ACTIVE VOLUNTEERS in the league. We need parents as coaches, concessions volunteers, team parents, chain gang participants, fundraising participants, stadium/field clean up, etc.  The league is made up entirely of volunteers and each parent will be asked to help out in some way.  Parents are expected to positively represent SYF by following all SYF and TVYFL Rules, modeling safe, responsible, and respectful behavior for our youth.


All players, coaches, and spectators are expected to follow the SYF and TVYFL Spectator Rules.   According to the TVYFL Operations guide, “The following expectations regarding spectator conduct at all TVYFL sanctioned events, including regular and post season competition, are provided. Those violating or threatening to violate the following League rules or site management spectator conduct expectations, may be ejected from the premises, issued a trespass citation, excluded from sanctioned activities temporarily or permanently and/or referred to law enforcement officials.”

  1. Coaches, players, and spectators must maintain a sportsmanlike attitude at all events so that events may be conducted without unreasonable danger or disorder. (taken from the 2023 TVYFL Operations Guide.)

  • All cheers, comments and actions shall be in direct support of one’s team. 
  • Discriminatory harassment and bullying behavior will not be tolerated.
  • Discrimination is defined as (OAR 581-021-0045(1)(a) "any act that unreasonably differentiates treatment, intended or unintended, or any act that is fair in form but discriminatory in operation, either of which is based on age, disability, national origin, race, color, marital status, religion, sex, and sexual orientation.”
  • Harassing conduct may take many forms, including verbal acts and name-calling; graphic and written statements, which include use of cell phones or the internet; or other conduct that may be physically threatening, harmful, or humiliating. Examples include but are not limited to hazing, intimidation, taunting, bullying, cyberbullying, or menacing another, or engaging in behavior deemed by the member to endanger the safety or well-being of players, administrators, self or others. 
  • Harassment does not have to include intent to harm, be directed at a specific target, or involve repeated incidents. 
  • Harassment creates a hostile environment when the conduct is sufficiently severe, pervasive, or persistent, so as to interfere with or limit the ability to participate in or benefit from the activities or opportunities offered by a member. This includes the use of, or engagement in, abusive verbal expression or physical conduct, especially if that conduct interferes with the performance of players, coaches, or volunteers.


  1. Treat everyone with respect.  This includes all players in the SYF program even if they are not on your team, all coaches and parents, the opposing team and their families, all referees, SYF board members, TVYFL Board Members, volunteers, visitors, etc.

  • Unruly and disrespectful behavior towards any families, players, referees, board members, volunteers, visitors, and/or the opposing team is forbidden.  

  • Spectators shall not be permitted to use vulgar/offensive or racially/culturally insensitive language or engage in any racially/culturally insensitive action.

  • Some examples or unacceptable conduct include but are not limited to: disrespecting players by name, number or position; negative cheers or chants; throwing objects on the playing surface; use of derogatory or racially explicit language; discriminatory harassment or conduct that creates a hostile environment that is disruptive to the environment.

  • The Head Coach is the only individual allowed to talk to an official.  In certain circumstances, a Site Official may talk to an official.  No other staff or spectators are allowed to address officials during an event.

  • Coaches, players, teams, and/or the SYF Program can be penalized by the referees if spectator behavior is disrespectful.  Possible Penalties include on field penalties, forfeiture of event, fines, suspension, required additional training, or removal from TVYFL site/league.   

  • Individuals exhibiting unsportsmanlike behavior may face the following individual consequences: temporary removal from remainder of the event, required additional training, fines, and permanent trespassing from the TVYFL site and SYF Program.  If a person is removed and told to leave, they may not be allowed back for the remainder of the season or banned for future seasons.

  • Remember, we are representatives of Sandy Youth Football and should be safe, respectful, and responsible.


  1. SYF Families are responsible for their visitors while attending a SYF/TVYFL sponsored event.


  1. Spectators are not allowed on the sidelines of any TVYFL site on Saturdays. The Sidelines are a designated area reserved for authorized personnel only.  This is an expectation at both HOME and AWAY games.

  • Current SYF Board Members are considered Site Officials at any SYF Event, including Saturday games.  They will be visible on the sidelines, wearing identifying apparel and an SYF ID Badge.  As Site Officials, they will maintain order and enforce TVYFL rules, greet officials and opposing teams, facilitate weigh-ins, resolve conflicts, and more.
  • The following individuals are considered authorized personnel and are allowed on the Sandy High School field/track and any TVYFL Site Sideline during a TVYFL event: 
    1. Players and Cheerleaders who are members of the team(s) playing

    2. Coaches for the team(s) playing

    3. Safety Coordinators for the team(s) playing

    4. Team Moms for the team(s) playing

    5. Team Play Plotter for the team(s) playing

    6. Chain Crew of Visiting Team

    7. SYF Athletic Trainer and other Emergency Medical Personnel

    8. Current SYF, TVYFL, and opposing team’s Board Members

    9. Officials

  • Individuals on the sidelines must be registered and background checked, listed on the team roster, and wear SYF identification.  All SYF personnel listed on the roster will be given an identifying SYF Badge and/or SYFstaff apparel (i.e. team spirit wear, SYF coaching staff shirt and/or hat, etc.) that MUST be worn when entering and while on the sideline.

  • If an emergency arises with a player on the field, the parent(s) or guardian(s) will be contacted with information and instructions.

  • When attending a Saturday game at Sandy High School, spectators are expected to walk on the outside of the track fence to get to and from the stadium.  Spectators should not enter the track at any point, even if it is between games, unless they are allowed by a Site Official.  The same applies to other TVYFL sites.  If the site does not have a path around the track and the site allows it, spectators may walk on the track to get to and from the designated visitor’s section.  Spectators must stay in the visitor’s section during the game.


  1. Spectators are required to wear shirts.


  1. Spectators are not permitted to have signs or banners larger than 8 1/2 by 11 inches.

  • "Fathead" type items are considered signs and must meet size requirements above.  

  • Foam fingers are permitted, as long as they do not block other spectator viewing.


  1. Spectators are not permitted to have artificial noisemakers. Some examples of artificial noisemakers are: Thunder Stix, cowbells, clappers and air horns.

  • Schools may use an artificial noisemaker at specific times during events.  An example of an allowable use of artificial noisemakers by a school would be the firing of a cannon or the ringing of a bell after a touchdown is scored.

  • ​​​​​​​Only cheerleaders are allowed to use large megaphones. Neither cheerleaders nor spectators may use megaphones for banging on the floor or bleachers.